Music » Rock » ScottCarmichael » Song
Song information
A Jangly guitar song... Played my Strat through a Vox AC15... I played all instruments and sang all vocals.. wrote this back in the eighties, finished mixing it today... turning procrastination into a hi art form...
Released: 15-Feb-2024
Category: Rock
Application: Harrison Mixbus
File type: mp3
File size: 7.1 Mb
Plays: 18
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
I have friends who travel the broad road 

Poor hungry souls choking on false hope

they’re content to drift with the current

they think the tide might float them home

If they could just see what I see

If they could just see what I see

Looking through your eyes

I see a green oasis  

I see Joy in the deep of the night
I see paths that lead to high places 

wondrous sites looking through your eyes

Thirsty souls still wonder the desert

Frozen Hearts remain in the cold

Blindly searching to find the answer

Deaf and dumb they wait to be told

If they could just see what I see

If they could just see what I see

Looking through your eyes

I see a green oasis  

I see Joy in the deep of the night
I see paths that lead to high places 

wondrous sites looking through your eyes

Use my eyes to cry for souls 
locked behind closed doors

I will see to lead them home, 
When I use yours

If they could just see what I see
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Vocal harmonies are splendid on this Scott ! And i love the clarity of the guitar work too. Very pro pop rock tune. As always !
7 months ago
Man, this sounds great! love the harmony!
Super duper,my friend!! Great production!!
Latest song: How Long
7 months ago
Splendid. The bass line here is wonderful. Great support vocals. Great record!
7 months ago
Wow, this is my third great sounding song of the morning (after toveco and Dyl). I can easily imagine the work behind this great performance.
7 months ago
You have such a gift, not only your musicianship, production, mixing, you have such an incredible way of writing the lyrics.
Latest song: Latina
7 months ago
vox forever-I have a vx125-rare beast::) This is superb sir-and procastrination is a fine art form
Latest song: Evensong
7 months ago
Love the feel of this , putting this in favorites more more listens 👍👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
7 months ago
Really good song. Nice guitar work. Super mix. I love your voice and your vocal harmonies
Latest song: Strange Love
7 months ago
I like this a lot. Harmonies and guitar are great. The song, itself, sounds like a great gem, that we need more of in this day and age. Excellent work.
Latest song: University
7 months ago
I think I am that friend ... this song spells of me all the way! Very good song! And well produced too!
7 months ago
A lot of very cool instrumental parts and clean arrangement. Vocal harmonies are crystal. The guitar really punches so nicely with the snare. And a beautiful message. I'd feel a lot better about the state of the world if I flipped on pop radio to this! Fingers crossed.
Latest song: Fare Well
7 months ago
I see it too Scott! 🙂 Well crafted tune this. Fine jangly guitar with ringing tones. Fabulous vocals. Really love the BGVs... Bravo bro. 😋
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
7 months ago
Real nice Scott. Has a slight The Samples vibe in spots. And, whenever someone says "jangly guitar song" you got me hooked! Very well done, performance, mix, whole package!
7 months ago
This is a pro job. There's nothing here not to like and enjoy. Excellent lead vocal and self harmonies.
Latest song: Pot of Gold
7 months ago
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