Music » Pop » StanTheManLoh » Song
by   StanTheManLoh   and   jibes
Song information
Huge Thanks to Neal Gilbertson (guitar, drums, keyboards, bass), John Jenkins (piano), Michael West (backing vocals).
I wrote this way back in 2011, revised in December 2018. Didn't know how to really record. But Jibes and friends (wonder where they are now!) made it sound better than it should. Originally Michael West sang it and was posted in iComps. Last week I decided to sing it!
Released: 27-Feb-2024
Category: Pop
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 5.4 Mb
Plays: 22
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
 Stan Loh May 13, 2011
A   F#m/  A   F#m   A 
Verse 1
What is justice when your law applies,
By the colour of your skin,
When your truth is a pack of lies,
When your stolen wealth rankles in ... yet you must …
Gain! Digging for billions more, 
Gain! Siphoning evermore,
Gain! Through devious backdoors…gain! Oh…
Verse 2
When your talons clutch on our backs,
It’s better if lives are short,
Your double standards all attack,
Our wretched souls in court … we cry out …
Pain! Now our children pay with,
Pain! What’s their burden? 
Pain! Why can’t they lose their chains!
Oh Pain! What’s their guilt today? 
Pain! Your bamboo judges sway,
Your bamboo judges … pay…you!
We are not cowards, marching forward,
To solve and win back our confidence,
For underneath creeps a silent strength,
Where man helps man, linking hand in hand!
Oh Rise! Everyone rise… 
Lift up darkened skies,
Make our peace arrive …oh rise…everybody rise!
Everybody rise! Lift up darkened skies,
Oh rise! everybody rise! everybody rise!
For freedom and please rise!!!
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I remember those recordings, you've come a long way.
Latest song: Matter At Hand
7 months ago
I don't remember hearing the I-Comp version, so I'm glad you brought it back. Great message
7 months ago
Wonderful song Stan. Very fine arrangements and clear recording.
7 months ago
That is a great song. I love the lyrics and the anger against greed and unjustice
Latest song: Strange Love
7 months ago
Great epic-like song! I like the way it builts up and up. Thumbs up to all involved.
Latest song: Pot of Gold
7 months ago
Stan you are the Man. No one does captive dissent as fluently. It's 1932 again. Bravo!
7 months ago
You were fortunate to have those special musicians join you..RIP John Jenkins. Sung with conviction
7 months ago
Beautiful. Well done. I enjoyed it. 👍🏻
Latest song: Rotten
7 months ago
Love it!!
7 months ago
Great song my friend!
Soulful tune. I don't remember it from back in the day, but this is a fine recording.
7 months ago
Wealth by stealth in all its toxicity... A fine protest song Stan!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
7 months ago
Well done Stan. It's good to hear you music again. Cheers.
7 months ago
So nice, I love the lyrics  Well done ....... !
Latest song: Latina
6 months ago
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