Music » Alternative » Dyl » Song
I'll Go Where You Send Me
by   Dyl
Song information
A Mark Lanegan song. Not a happy one. Indeed. All instruments (guitars, resonator, slide, bass, accordeon, organ, piano, strings, banjo, drums) and vocals by moi.
Released: 31-Jul-2024
Category: Alternative
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 6.8 Mb
Plays: 26
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 5
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
I'll go where you send me
I know better now
I'll go where you send me
I know better now
Never thought I'd see
This beautiful thing
I know better now
Blue lights above me
I see your mercy now
Blue lights above me
I see your mercy now
And then to fall
Like nothing at all
Just a dream
I'll do what you ask me
I shall not want
I'll do what you ask me
And I shall not want
Your will be done
While mine has gone
Through every darkened place
I'll go where you send me
I'm ready now
I'll go where you send me
Yes, I'm ready now
Ready to fall like nothing at all
Just a dream
Never heard the original, so can't make a comparison; but MAN O MAN is this good!
Love the dark rawness of this. Yet it's not completely dark. "I see your mercy now."
Has a bit of a Cohen vibe in your vocal delivery as well.
Full and gritty sound!
Latest song: Reckless
1 month ago
I dig the dark feeling of the tune and the strings really hit the spot.  I agree with Wyndsox about the Leonard Cohen comparision.  Great work. 
Latest song: The Big Electron
1 month ago
My 1st time hearing this.  Reminds me a little of Jacob Dylan? Musically a great mix though I'd like to hear your vocals with a little more volume The photo matched the song itself perfectly..
1 month ago
Tom Waits is what I am hearing. You take me to him today! I don't know who Mark Lanegan is ... some of the names you regularly refer me to, I don't know them. And I have to look them up, and learn about them...thanks! I'll be doing this after I click post!
1 month ago
Signature Dyl
Music vocals & sound 
Latest song: Revival
1 month ago
Ive not heard the original either.
This is so good Dyl!!!
Latest song: Synestia
1 month ago
I hear Leonard Cohen vocal style mix with your usual powerful voice. I like this song a lot. Never heard it before.
Latest song: Simple Minds
1 month ago
This song is as good as it gets.  The vocals, the backing music and the melody all top notch.  So unique.
Latest song: Bad Luck Man
1 month ago
Really cool performance. This is a keeper
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
First time I hear this song and first time I hear about Mark Lanegan :-) So, no possible comparison but I must confess this is really well performed. And I have laugh when reading "by moi" :-)
1 month ago
@Wyndsok  @Venturesome@Sociallite1957 @StanTheManLoh @yoslounge @Garni@Barretok @TrebleFace @KennethLavrsen @thsantac   I want to thank you all for listening, it's a privilege to have you around and that you take the time to leave some cool words. Always appreciated. Thank you !
1 month ago
Fantastic!! :)
27 days ago
A bit of a Lenard Cohen vibe happening. Great listen.
23 days ago
great vocals and super melody  great Collab 
23 days ago
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