Music » Pop » Wyndsok » Song
by   Wyndsok
Song information
If memory serves, this was originally recorded back in 2009. It is one of the tunes that DID survive the Great Mac Crash of 2011.

The original recording featured Andy Mackle on drums, a pianist whose name I can’t recall, the legendary Vic Holman on guitars, and me on bass and vocals.

On this much improved version, I have replaced the original drum and piano tracks with my own, replaced my old live bass lines with new midi bass lines, replaced the original piano tracks with my own, and re-recorded the vocal.

All that remains of the old recording is Vic Holman’s splendid guitar work.

This is a simple song about friendship, and the folk who come and go in our lives.

May Infinite Spirit bless each and every one of them… and each and every one of YOU!

Hope to see and hear you all again in the not-too-distant future.

Bye for now…
Released: 20-Oct-2024
Category: Pop
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 9.1 Mb
Plays: 13
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 13
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed

It’s time for me to go.
I’ve had a lovely day, 
just spendin’ time with you.

We laughed until we cried.
No matter how we tried,
the tears kept comin’ through.

After all the things we’ve shared;
it’s no wonder we still care
the way that we do.
And it’s time for me to go….

Well it’s time for me to go.
You know I’d love to stay,
but I must be on my way.

Outside the light of day;
I hear it call my name.
You know you’re not to blame.

All good things come to an end my friend.
If only for a little while 
I know I’ll see your smile again;
but it’s time for me to go.

All good things come to an end my friend.
If only for a little while 
I know I’ll see your smile again;
but it’s time for me to go.

Well it’s time to leave my friend.
Our love will never end,
though years may come and go.

The big wheel’s gonna spin,
till it comes ‘round again,
to start another show.

Though we’ll be parted for a little while,
perhaps someday you’ll see that you and I 
will be laughin' once again;
but it’s time for me to go…
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Really enjoyed this!
I had a similar crash on my mac a few years ago and lost sabout 10 years of music.
Glad you were able to 'reconstruct this'.
Keep up the good work mate!
Latest song: Mr Blue
23 hours ago
That is a great song. I love the words. They have multiple layers. And super melody.
Latest song: Rhône
19 hours ago
Enjoyed the music.  Be safe and return Mike. :(
Latest song: Mandy's Dance
18 hours ago
Love it. Come bck soon please miss you already MIke :)
Latest song: On A Summers Day
15 hours ago
Love the song, lyrics...... enjoyed
Latest song: Lil' pig
11 hours ago
This fine song is one I wasn’t happy to hear. You’re the heart and soul of this place and it won’t be the same without you my friend. All the best Mike.
Latest song: Miracles
10 hours ago
It may be several months but I really want to return to the site at some point. I'll truly miss being a part of this!
Life has gotten rather complicated, and the worsening socio-political situation isn't helping matters.
I may look in from time to time though to get my "fix." We'll see...
Be well---be safe!
Latest song: TIME FOR ME TO GO
10 hours ago
A mix of melancholy lined with hope. Well sung and played. Whatever length your hiatus brings, I for one hope it's short and never permanent. Whatever reasons that chart your course, it's knowing there's a director of the band that's always in control. Prayers are with you my friend.
10 hours ago
So in 2009 it was already time for you to go. Love the piano track on this one. If you have troubles in your life, I hope you will solve them quickly. You are one of the pillars of this site so come back soon.
4 hours ago
A highlight of my day is always a song that you have posted. I respect your decision to take a break and I will sign up for therapy on Monday with the hope I can survive without that every two or three day fix. Be well !
3 hours ago
I will miss you Mike. I will have my fingers crossed next month.
Latest song: Floating Away
10 minutes ago
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