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Bye bye

12-Jan-2024 | 7:01 AM
Hi fellows,
2 plays in 3 days for what I consider to be the most brilliant final movement of Beethoven's symphonies have convinced me that I am not in the right place to share so many hours of work and passion. It is therefore with regret that I will stop today publishing remixes of the man I consider to be the greatest genius of classical music. These 2 plays made me understand that there was a rejection for the maestro's works, perhaps my fault, I should have spaced out these publications a little more. I therefore wish you all to be brilliantly inspired for your future works and, see you soon, perhaps.
Bye bye.
Thierry S.
The same thing happens with my music. Online music software and free music websites allows everyone to make 'music', and to share it. Instantly. It really is a wonderful thing in many ways. Use some loops, string them together and voila, you've got a 'masterpiece'. I'm sure that 99% of the folks who frequent sites like these have no idea the amount of time, energy and mental focus required to work in musical notation. Rendering a movement from a Beethoven symphony is akin to writing a 500-page novel. Not that time and effort, makes a good piece of music either, of course. Part of the issue is genre, part of it trying to get your work listened to an online environment which is kaleidoscopic in its rate of change. There's also the quality of feedback one receives on sites such as these. Many folks don't possess the tools required to leave useful feedback, and that's ok too. I say play in the sandbox, and do what you do, because it, 'fills your bucket'!
1 year ago
You will be missed. Not only did you salt this site with beautiful versions of B's major works, you lent many a kind word of support to many of us on our rather amateurish productions. However, you must follow your heart. Just know that, if you decide to return, there will be those who will welcome you back with open arms!
Latest song: All Is Quiet
1 year ago
Another consideration. For example, due to time constraints, I only am able to set aside a couple mornings a week to go through newly posted tunes to listen and comment. No doubt many others are in the same boat. Hence the need for patience. It's also why I only post no more than one song a week. More than that seems to me to make an unrealistic demand on my fellow bandstanders. They too have lives!
Latest song: All Is Quiet
1 year ago
Hi Thierry I was one of the 2 plays you mentioned in your post. I do appreciate your contributions all the way back to iComposition days. During Covid I started to work with scores and am now making the transition to sample libraries. The expertise for all this seems to be with you folk who are into orchestration. I can always do with some tips but the relevant forums seem very quiet at the moment and questions go unanswered. Regarding the duration of tracks, I could immediately see your post was over 13 minutes long even before I clicked play. Maybe the movements could have been posted separately. We digital consumers can be very fickle. Please Stay.
Latest song: Bad Company
1 year ago
No...please don't leave! I do listen to them! You make beautiful music! This community is still very young, and membership is not yet in the numbers that is optimized! It's still an infant. We need stalwarts and yeomen like you! Please stay!
Latest song: River Man
1 year ago
I don't blame you, I have had to cancel a lot of my memberships on other collaboration sites, because they are either targeted for (c)rap, hiphop, R&B, Trap, EDM, all the crap they call music of today, or they just don't want to know, and are no busier than a whore house full of syphilis. This and one other site I'm still a member of, but if things don't perk up within the next few months, there won't be a single collaboration site on the internet that will be worth being a member of. The ONLY platform that truly worked was called "Ohm Studio", it is now closed and defunct.
1 year ago
OK, I am very touched by all your support messages my friends. I know 13' is quite long when almost all other pieces are around 4' max but the thing is these two last movements have always been linked to each other. Anyway, I will reconsider my point of view. Again, thanks a lot.
to walk away is easy-to persist proves ones worth more I am 64 yearas old been listened to by many been ignored by more-choose who you wish to be namaste al
Latest song: Flow
1 year ago
it is some what frustrating at times that you bring you creation out into the wider public world expecting great things to come it only to come back and go OH. In all fairness the site is still in its development early stage the world has moved on a lot since icompostins and other sites similar at the moment I don't think there is a huge user base per say everyone is still getting back on there feet. give it time and see what comes of it
Latest song: chop & start
1 year ago
I hope you will just take a break and come back. I personally did not listen to ANY music the past week because of an unusually busy work week with late meetings. But I will listen this weekend. And I hope to listen also to your compositions which are always of a very high quality.
Latest song: Witch Dance
1 year ago
I was classically trained on the piano, and to pass the highest grade at my music school, I had to play Beethoven's Fur Elise, and his well known, Moonlight Sonata 1st movement. I have listened to Bach, Strauss, Brahms, Mozart, (to name just a few), and found everyone has a personal preference, I personally prefer Beethoven, mostly his slower sonata's, I'm not too keen on his symphony's such as the 5th, I'm more of a mellow guy and like to relax when listening to classical music, I don't want to hear tuba's blasting or kettle drums thumping.
1 year ago
Sorry to hear that. The site is still in early development, and it seems like there aren't as many active members or listeners as on iComp. As the site grows, hopefully, this will improve. Since COVID, lifestyles have changed, and even listening to music has shifted. Personally, my workload has been overwhelming, and I haven't been able to focus on music production. I'm guilty of not listening to music lately, and I've only been publishing old recordings. I hope things change, and you find satisfaction in people listening to your work again.
1 year ago
I think this site is a lot more like Facebook than anything? We listen to and comment on those who listen and comment on our posts? I have no idea if you do that a lot, but... I think we are all here for feedback, and the more we give the more we get? But I hope you will stay!
Latest song: Exposure
1 year ago
I just got here. I play some classical piano. Will love to check out your work with Beethoven. I've been traveling but am settling back in now for a month and aim to listen and comment on 5 songs every morning and night, so 10 each day. I see potential in iBandstand and here for it!
Latest song: Best Decade
1 year ago
Been with online music since online music began pretty much, it is hard to get listened to. I have posted works far less accomplished than your pieces and had thousands of plays. Even had one show up as a ring tone on a few sites. Then I have worked months, even. a year or two on something I felt was really great, probably the best I've ever done, to have it get 4 plays in six months! The problem with online music, is that it is online. There are so many things people can do online that deciding to go listen to music just may not be their priority. In days when you had to go somewhere to listen to music it was more of a purposeful task. People did it because they felt the need. Now with online music, it is almost an idle thing.
1 year ago
What!? Who gonna give me all the nice comments now? :(
Latest song: Cry If Able
1 year ago
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