Music » Alternative » ClayPotts » Song
Heavy On My Mind
Song information
This one capsulates a difficult period of my life. Listening to it now is joyful in a way for I'm so glad to be some years removed from the turmoil.
Released: 14-Dec-2023
Category: Alternative
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 4.7 Mb
Plays: 23
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Heavy On My Mind

By Peter Kern

Often times I dream about my brother
Vividly in color it's like he never died
In every dream I hug and I kiss him
I tell him that I miss him, but he says he's doing fine
To lose his loving heart, which beat just like mine
It weighs heavy on my mind
Heavy on my mind

GODS "wrecking ball of LOVE" was not yet done swinging
His final act of  20 - 0 - 5 
A hip demolition as her telephone was ringing
My mother's days were numbered
Not exactly a surprise.
Tender sadness in her eyes
It weighed so heavy on my mind
Heavy on my mind

Private thoughts like this are better left as thoughts
I'm exposing way too much of me
It sounds like I'm wallowing in self-pity
But it's honesty...pouring out of me
I've got to dump this load
This burden filled with grief
I'll explode, unless there is relief
Because it's weighing heavy on my mind

You might have heard that times flies when you're having fun 
Well it goes quick when times are tough too
Entire years have come and gone
Still so much emptiness; managing the pain
Loss is hard...just can't deal with that again
The day to day is going okay
But those thoughts, those memories
Will always weigh
Heavy on my mind
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Well that was an interesting experience. I was waiting for a punchline. There is none. Just straight and true how ya feel. Remarkable! Thanks for posting.
9 months ago
What a great song. Beautiful songwriting, really.
9 months ago
This is a fine piece of songwriting man. Deeply moving... Great vocal.
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
9 months ago
Very moving lyrics. Very well played, with good vocals as usual!
Latest song: Come Closer
9 months ago
I love the vulnerability and realness!
Latest song: Exposure
9 months ago
One's heart on one's sleeve is indeed heavy on the mind.. Spoken word is the key here and right choice. Well written.. 2 thumbs up
9 months ago
Great song. Power words
Latest song: Strange Love
9 months ago
Hey Peter, Your lyrics, vocals, music hey everything about this song is amazing! Rest in peace to your brother! If he says he is doing fine, then take comfort that is in peace. Reflect on the wonderful memories you had with him. Thank you for sharing this with the community!
9 months ago
Damn, this is good. I'm glad I listened. Good stuff.
9 months ago
Sad... Well written
Latest song: Sky Is Falling
9 months ago
So well laid out for your listener… I’m a fan now… the severe mercy restated eloquently… bravo… you are making art of the highest order.. funny the corners that we may find it in… I’ll say, that here and now, I wouldn’t avoid that painful time in leu of the things that we’ve gained
9 months ago
Great tune, Great lyrics ...... ! No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown. William Penn Acts 20-5 These men went on ahead and waited for us at Troas.
Latest song: Latina
8 months ago
Great lyrics - touching and straight fro the heart. It is not easy to "speak" a song but you have nailed it!
Latest song: Pot of Gold
6 months ago
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