Music » Electronica » KennethLavrsen » Song
The Beginning
Song information
The Beginning... of it all. The Universe. The Big Bang.

I tried to create a dramatic piece that could be used as an imaginary film score.

The idea behind it came from playing with a sound that was made as 11th chords. I recorded a small progression and it all matched up nicely and invited for a mystic and grotesque melody to grow out of it.

As I created the song I made additional themes that fit the progression and at the end I layer it all up.
Released: 24-Nov-2023
Category: Electronica
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 10.6 Mb
Plays: 29
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Use extended chords all the time for more complex harmonies. This has some good subtle structure and variation. Some build up stop and restart would also add interest. Well done sir this was showcasing some blossoming skills and a great listen.
Enjoyed Liked the grotesque melody! NIcely done!
10 months ago
Excellent Film Score Music Production & sound is great Well enjoyed
10 months ago
Very Nice. :)
Latest song: Cool Cat Burglary
10 months ago
10 months ago
Definitely has a spacey vibe going...I liked this a lot Kenneth...the bouncy melody serves asa nice counterpoint to the balance of the work.
10 months ago
i'm grokking the melodic lines. wow. i don't hear grotesqueness at all. this flows beautifully. this really captures the immensity of our universe. wow. (i have explored similar musical ideas, i should post one of them.) thank you for sharing this. wow
Latest song: Grahebahubbin
10 months ago
Nice chords progression in this piece. It seems that french word "grotesque" doesn't have the same meaning in english. In french it's more like ridiculous :-) This doesn't sound ridiculous !
10 months ago
Soundtrack of a space movie...with aboriginal tribesmen walking up a dune, and about the reach the apex....and they are hurring because they see water! These images flashed through me as I am listening! Very cool music!
10 months ago
Nice build. This could go many ways.
Latest song: June Wedding
10 months ago
Nice soundtrack,very created,my friend.
Latest song: How Long
10 months ago
This came together nicely. Lovely composition of electronica instruments. Definitely a movie score candidate.
10 months ago
You have a way of blending nice melodic lines to contrasting audio landscapes..This is a great example! Really well done! Enjoyed the listen as always!
Latest song: 7 days 2
10 months ago
Well put together. I was picturing a PBS history of science documentary when I heard this. I also thought of early 80's new wave as well.
Latest song: University
10 months ago
a travel into the travel...thank you for sharing!!! =)
10 months ago
Perfecto para un film Score!
Latest song: Come Closer
10 months ago
Wow from the offset this filled my headphones with that awesome kick!! ... great build up and amazing sounds that really go well with this outstanding melody .... Another favorite for future listens :)
Latest song: A dream for peace
10 months ago
Sort of an otherworldly feel to this flows. It has motion.
Latest song: Carvan Sun
10 months ago
Perfect in every way.
10 months ago
Wide illustrious Mural . A traveler's Tale. Spectra of variation . .. all being catchy .
Latest song: Golden Dusk
10 months ago
Great ideas manifested!
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10 months ago
Beautiful listen ! Thanks !
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9 months ago
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