Music » Rock » Dyl » Song
Long Way Around
by   Dyl   and   wal
Song information
A heavy postcard tribute to Chris Whitley, born this week 64 years ago and left this earth in 2005. Much too young and much too soon...I never did idolize any singer or artist, but Chris was one of a kind... He deserved a hundred more years to share all the beauty and power his music had...And deserved much more success too. But it's never too late...

As i believe his songs can't be "covered", this is a humble and electric hommage (this song was on his first album, produced by Daniel Lanois). I just tried to howl as loud as i can, hoping maybe he'll hear me...

My deepest thanks to Wally Landreth who helped me on this one : his son Joey, who since 2006 (when we recorded this) became famous worldwide with the "Bros Landreth" band, played some fantastic licks on his Telecaster and took the lead guitar all the way through...
Me : Barking at the moon, playing acoustic and electric guitars, bass and a 2-stringed banjoline (sounds like a mix between a piano and a casserole).
Released: 27-Aug-2024
Category: Rock
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 14.1 Mb
Plays: 21
Downloads: 2
Weekly plays: 3
Weekly downloads: 2
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
So Real... I have been a huge Joey Landreth fan ever since Wally turned me on... i still listen to the Bros Landreth... this only proved to me what i already knew... YOU are bonifide.... you really are... the vocal here shines... authenticity is one of your thumbprints... this is no exception... top shelf
Latest song: Who You See
21 days ago
You know how to howl brother and that guitar is simply fantastic. Great hommage! Great collab!
Latest song: Simple Minds
21 days ago
Tones piled high. Awesome front to back.
Latest song: You Lookin at Me
21 days ago
Wow, had to lower the sound level of my headphones :-) Never heard about Chris Whitley but sounds like solid rock.
19 days ago
Real nice tune, authentic
19 days ago
AWE-SOME music!
Your vocal herein is over the top good bro.
Wally's leads are mesmerizing!
Gritty rockage from start to finish!
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
18 days ago
Hey Dyl! your vocals are so good here!!
Great collab!!
Latest song: Synestia
18 days ago
Very powerful track. Cudos to all. Great vocals and guitars.
17 days ago
dude this is awesome! well done and the vox!
Now i gotta here the Lanois take
Latest song: Biding My Time
11 days ago
Love the sound choices and the vox is superb-cool
Latest song: Wear The Fox Hat
11 days ago
Wow. What a production. What a performance. What a tribute. Bravo
Latest song: Strange Love
9 days ago
This song is just wild.  There is so much going on and all with clarity and musicality.  Your vocals is great.  Don't know the original song but I hope I can find it on YouTube.
Latest song: Bad Luck Man
3 days ago
This song’s got power and grit. Great tribute. Love it.
1 day ago
Thank you all very much for listening and commenting. Means a lot.
1 day ago
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