Music » Rock » ScottCarmichael » Song
The Chimneys
Song information
I would classify this song as Prog Rock if that genre was available.. I thought about "musical Theatre" but that would be misleading, unless you're thinking "Springtime for Hitler" I have always been fascinated by the way the History of the 19th century reads... It seems like fiction... but that is the human race... This song is certainly a bit of a departure from what I usually do… it was more about “what is possible with unlimited time in the studio”… It is more theater, in that I employ all sorts of sound effects that I had to go looking for on the Internet… And it moves through several compositional transitions… As a side note, when I’m featuring the acoustic guitar heavily, I will usually record it in stereo , but in the acoustic interlude in the middle, I decided to record it twice on different guitars… The Collings on the right and the Taylor on the left… My son Dane played the bass on this and I played everything else… One thing that Yes would often do is sing the same melody over two different chordal structures, I like that… the voice actor is my good friend June, and I sent her the script so she could prepare, I was going to have her come to the studio , but she sent me a voice memo from her phone and one if the things I really liked about it was the lo-fi quality… it matched up well with other segments that I lifted from the internet
Released: 28-Jan-2025
Category: Rock
Application: Harrison Mixbus
File type: mp3
File size: 12.9 Mb
Plays: 5
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 5
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
Stanzi. ! wake up… wake up dear 
The world has gone mad
Everything changes now

The whispers in this chimney 
still echo countless nightmares
The ash from every terror
it did stoke 
Of mother’s sons and daughters 
rising up in resignation 
And in smoke 

The chimneys loomed in silence 
as box cars stacked the Kindle 
Above the den of 
anguish and despair 
And no one seemed to notice 
As they released the prisoners 
In the air 

STANZI  look at me…. Look in my eyes… YOU must become invisible…

Please understand me… you must become SO small… So quiet… Like a mouse… and these MONSTERS must not see you…

You have to become nothing now… and I won’t be close enough to help you… Stanzi … STANZI…
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Powerful... and chilling.
Thanks for sharing this.
This is great, so timely. Thanks so much.
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